*2023 HouseCalls book of business data
How we’re addressing and solving the challenge

In-home and virtual assessments ensure ease and convenience
Optum HouseCalls in-home and virtual assessments enable us to meet your members in their home, assess their needs to improve their health and help you achieve your goals.

Our APCs visit members in their homes nationwide
The HouseCalls traveling network is made up of 390+ APCs who log thousands of miles every year visiting members in their homes. This enables the HouseCalls program to reach members nationwide, including those living in sparsely populated counties.

We close gaps in care and reduce ED visits and hospital stays
A peer-reviewed study published in Medical Care observed reductions in both emergency department (ED) visits and inpatient hospital stays for those receiving HouseCalls visits for certain conditions.

Personalized care addresses social determinants of health
HouseCalls plays a crucial role in addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) by providing personalized care directly in the member’s living environment.
A home visit from a HouseCalls nurse helps save a life
For Jack, a Medicare Advantage plan member, a preventive care visit from Heather, a HouseCalls nurse practitioner, may have helped save his life.
Related healthcare insights
Case study
A health plan increased in-home assessment rates for their Medicare Advantage members by working with Optum to increase member engagement.
Medicare Advantage members receiving in-home assessments saw fewer emergency department visits and inpatient hospital stays across 4 conditions.
The Optum differentiator helps communities attract and retain residents.