The high cost and price variability of a transplant
As the number of organ transplants in the United States grows each year, health plans, employers, reinsurers and third-party administrators face an increasing cost burden related to these vital but expensive procedures. The average billed cost for a transplant episode today is nearly $743,000 — and can extend well beyond $1 million.1
The number of transplant cases in the U.S. hit a new record in 2023, with more than 46,000 Americans receiving a new organ — a nearly 9% increase over 2022 and a surge of more than 25% over the last 5 years.2
Many issues contribute to the high cost and price variability of a transplant. Transplant cases occur unexpectedly — whenever a donor organ becomes available. Costs can vary widely based on organ type, transplant facility, geography and other factors.
To contain these costs and manage financial risks related to organ transplants, today’s employers and other payers need specialized help. Analyzing these high-dollar claims — which involves carefully deconstructing the many clinical, networking and coding nuances that mount in a complex claim — requires additional expertise and resources.
Automation can help speed these reviews, but it may deliver suboptimal results if used alone. Errors in complex claims can only be caught by physician reviewers with the clinical experience to spot mistakes.
Estimated U.S. average cost per transplant episode, from 30 days prior to transplant through 180 days post-transplant:
- $1.7 million for a heart
- $878,000 for a liver
- $440,000 for a kidney3