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Fact sheet

Community Connector for member assessment and CBO referral

Our services help health plans address member needs through screening and community-based organization (CBO) referral services.

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Focusing on the whole person for better outcomes

Optum Community Connector helps health plans address member needs through screening and community-based organization (CBO) referral services. 

The service helps refocus care on the whole person, using members’ preferred communication channels to link with CBOs. Community Connector has two goals: help payers assess the needs of their members related to social determinants of health (SDOH) needs and refer members to CBOs that provide social service program assistance.

Community Connector helps:

  • Aggregate, normalize and integrate clinical and SDOH data
  • Assess and stratify people and populations based on whole-person indices, gaps in care and risks
  • Create hyper personalized, targeted education, communication and interventions to improve health outcomes and address SDOH and health equity needs
  • Enable multichannel and stakeholder whole-person reporting and metrics

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