Clear Trend Guarantee pricing model
Without question, the marketplace urgently needs bold new ideas. That’s why Optum Rx is dedicated to evolving and creating innovative new choices for plan sponsors.
Nothing shows our commitment to make spending on high-cost prescription drugs more predictable and affordable than our newest pricing model, Optum Rx Clear Trend Guarantee™. This value-based model is designed for clients who want to manage to the lowest net cost with greater predictability in overall plan spend. While clients have historically had separate guarantees for retail discounts, mail service, specialty pharmacy and manufacturer rebates under traditional pricing models, Clear Trend Guarantee combines all of these into a single, transparent client guarantee.
By synthesizing network contracts, formulary strategy and clinical program guarantees, it affords plan sponsors a clear and consolidated view of pharmacy spend, letting them know exactly what they’re paying on a per member per month or per member per year basis. This new model promotes affordability and unprecedented transparency and is now available for a broad array of Optum Rx clients.
Clear Trend Guarantee is the latest addition to the suite of Optum Rx Cost Made Clear™ models. Introduced in 2023 to complement our traditional payment solutions, these first-to-market models give plan sponsors new options when configuring the pharmacy benefit.
While they differ in composition, all Cost Made Clear models use a simple administration fee. This covers member care and support, benefit setup and administration, client consultation, formulary design, clinical expertise, and safe and affordable medication access. They are designed to better align incentives across the supply chain while providing even greater transparency, simplifying the pharmacy benefit and focusing on lowest net cost.