Simplify your nuclear medicine workflow
Our web-based software integrates with post-processing solutions from leading vendors. Get easy access to advanced tools and the ability to import data elements directly into the report to help improve patient care and report turnaround times.
Streamline post-processing and nuclear cardiac imaging
Improve physician satisfaction
Speed up report turnaround times
Our nuclear cardiac imaging software makes review and reporting available from the web. You can also create ICANL-compliant reports with pre-populated values.
Improve patient care
Review images side-by-side
Our nuclear cardiac imaging software allows physicians to compare current images side-by-side with previous nuclear cardiac imaging exams. When paired with Cardiology ECG Management, you can view nuclear cardiology stress images alongside the ECG data.
Streamlined workflows
Speed up nuclear cardiac imaging process
Our nuclear cardiac imaging software makes the process of billing for your nuclear cardiac imaging more efficient, accurate and speedy.
Related healthcare insights
Case study
Learn how behavioral science can improve the hemodynamics solution in vital ways for physicians and technicians.
Product information and resources
Speed nuclear cardiac image processing and reporting
The Change Healthcare Cardiology Nuclear Medicine™ solution helps improve physician efficiency by enabling web-based nuclear cardiac imaging review and reporting.